Tuesday 4 December 2012

What measures we can take in order to restore Punjabi?

Not everything can be replaced or restored quickly, whether it is an habit or a problem. The future of every step should be taken into consideration. Restoration of something may seem easy to some but in reality it is not that simple; for instance, if we delete a folder from the desktop or our hard drive crashes then to regain that information back is not a easy process. While if the folder was deleted from the desktop then we can easily retrieve it back from the recycle bin folder.
Language on the other hand cannot be retrieved using these scientific formula’s. It takes an entire process for something like language to reach where it stands at the moment in both positive and negative sense. If we are to revive the status of Punjabi Language it will take time to root itself back in, not something that can happen overnight. It is more close to dead at the moment , after all we did neglect this amazing language in the past.
The society needs to understand the importance of area language. It is something we can not and should not neglect. To promote a language you need to expand its’ radius where it is to be spoken at so more and more people take interest in it. For example, Pashto language, mostly spoken by pathans, has amazing poets but since it is not widely spoken it is not very popular in contrast to Arabic. So in order to create a languages awareness in the society more and more people should know how to speak and understand it. Language is one of the best way to express one’s feelings, without no cost and benefit. You take out whatever you have with in you by writing if you do not have someone to share with.
Punjabi Language has many iconic figures in it from the past like the famous “Baba Bulleh Shah” and “Pir Waris Shah”. In England a research is taking place to compare the famous Punjabi story ‘Heer Ranjha’ with Shakespeare’s play. This clearly identifies the credibility and quality of work done by Punjabi language.
We should consider a thought before starting and making a move like save Punjabi language, because if we can not respect our national language ‘Urdu’ how do you expect us to save our provincial language. We have placed ourselves in this situation where we have given statuses to language in which Punjabi is ranked the lowest while making a conversation compared to English. People now think of speaking English would enhance their status, a status which we ourselves have created. Why do we consider Punjabi a language of the illiterate?
We need to change this, Urdu should be our utmost priority rather English. We made it our societies need and we will change that but we need to be sincere with our language to do so. Once we respect our national language we can easily work on our provincial language.
Another research showed that Punjabi is also called the mother of Urdu. Many words such as ‘keethon’ (where) is changed and known as ‘kidher’ in Urdu. Similar examples still exist.
From the last 20 years, Punjabi is majorly used as a form of humor. Our stage drama’s and movies further deteriorated its roots, and the number of speakers and writers started to decrease. Why is it when we insult someone in Punjabi it is not felt as harsh compared to Urdu or English? For instance if we are to say something in a funny tone we will most probably use Punjabi while if we have to talk about something serious we will use Urdu or English.
We, as a whole, need to take some major considerations in mind in order to restore our provincial language Punjabi. Firstly we should promote it in our education sector, we need to give it importance in the current curriculum. People need to respect and understand language before its implementation. On secondary level, only LGS offers an optional course of it while at university level only Punjab University offers masters degree (M.A Punjabi).
Secondly, ministry of education and culture should motivate themselves in order to promote Punjabi. They should start from various cities, gradually increasing their span of control. It is something that would make a difference in the long run, rather the short run. If we say that we can get it done in a few days or weeks then it is impossible! Our politicians should speak urdu in the national assembly and their provincial language punjabi in provincial assembly (punjab).
Thirdly, we can use media to be informative and start creating awareness among people. This modern era is a media war and we need to use it effectively. We need to create a trend, so people know that this language is not an only source of entertainment. We can dig out old folk tales from the past and perform plays in the modern era. We need to respect our language and need to play an important role so we can bring this change. Once, people start becoming aware of it, it’s writers and performers will increase automatically.


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