Saturday 1 December 2012

Should Prostitution be legalized?

When looking at a certain topic we have to not only be unbiased, and fair but also look at both sides of the coin, or in this case the situation. Should Prostitution be legalized? Now that question has been asked for centuries, and to a conservative man there is but a simple answer to this, NEVER! But if we look at it from the other side and think about it in an unbiased and fair way, maybe to a logical man the answer wouldn’t be as the aforementioned one. But now in comes the various problems that people living in a society face, such talk is a disgrace and shouldn’t even be debated about.
Before going on further, we have to establish and look at prostitution as if it were a product for which there are sellers, buyers and even wholesalers, and they all operate in an economy or a country for this matter. Now if such a product (prostitution) was legalized, than the government could tax all the aforementioned characters. This will not only create revenue for the government on a large scale (generated from the taxes), but also reduce such an activity in the long run. Historically products which haven’t been wanted or encouraged by the government have been heavily taxed, and this results in an overall reduction of such a product, unless you’re addicted to the product, and will consume it at any cost.  However at this stage of addiction it doesn’t matter what policies you follow, the person will consume it anyways. So for such people polices cannot be made, since even if the consumption of the product is prohibited the person will try to consume it. Than what happens, either the person is caught and sent to jail, increasing the number of people in jail and the cost to the government for maintaining the whole system. Or the other thing that will happen is that the person will somehow someway get the product he wanted without getting caught, however the product is still being consumed without any help or revenue to the government (who could’ve put the money to better use like education or health care). So in both the scenarios the loss is to society and to the government. Also if the consummation of the product is kept prohibited sellers or buyers can be taken advantage off or threaten by the powerful. The Government can break into the whole system and legalize it hence not only making the economy circulate faster, but also reducing such a product in the long run.
Also if such a product is legalized, than licenses can be given to sellers who are providing good quality products which are safe, for this reason a prostitution license can be provided to the seller (this will ensure that the seller doesn’t have STD’s or any other illness of the sort)
This can be superseded by a large scale distribution of protective pills and measures (such as condoms), we keep forgetting that if we legalize such a thing we can make rules for its conduct, instead of just ignoring that such a thing is happening. For instance we can make a rule that the product will not be sold unless the consumer protected properly. Just as health ministries go to restaurants and check for the quality of food and hygiene, such a department can be made for this as well. This will ensure good quality of the product and help everyone in the long run.
Although such a decision will not be made, because of the adverse effects of the product, it should certainly be debated about to increase awareness and open the minds of people. A similar product (marijuana) has been legalized in Colorado, USA. The government realized that it couldn’t stop its consumption, so it basically tried to benefit and tax the users of such a substance. So maybe the day isn’t long off, where such a decision will be made in regards to prostitution.    



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